Three for: Awesome Ideas for Library Displays

Is there a support group for Librarians Who Lack “Display Panache”?  If so, I need to join.  Until I can find that support group, I rely on Pinterest, Flickr, and Google to provide me with ideas.



Google Search

Now, finding time to create these awesome displays is another problem.  Fortunately this semester I have some talented and willing service learners to help!

Image attribution:

Flickr Tools

My grad classes at USC in Library and Information Science have made me more aware of copyright laws, to say the least.  That’s why I am always on the lookout for user friendly images to use on my blog or in slideshows.

By sharing Simple Flickr CC Search in a blog post, Cathy Nelson has added to my image toolbox.  I have been using Flickr CC to locate images and now want to locate other search tools for Creative Commons images.

Of course, many tools for using Flickr images exist.  I have used the following, but these generators do not just search for Creative Commons licensed images.  If anyone knows of a way to do that using these tools, please share!

 Spell with flickr

 Splashr  Create slideshows using flickr images.

 Pim Pam Pum Bubblr! Create comic strips using flickr images.

 Big Huge Labs Home of fd’s flickr toys

 Flickr API  Links to a plethora of mashups using Flickr.

What are your favorite Flickr toys?

My Presentation A Splashr slideshow featuring the cast from the upcoming movie, Twilight.

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